Mueller Looking Into Whether Flynn Played A Role In Seeking Clinton Emails From Hackers

Did Michael Flynn try to get Hillary's Clinton's emails from Hackers to pass on to Trump?

Robert Mueller continues to work quietly, issuing subpoenas and collecting documents in his wide reaching investigation into Russia, election meddling, Trump, etc. Now we have indications that he is looking into whether Michael Flynn worked to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers.

The Wall Street Journal reports that following and interview with longtime Republican activist, Peter Smith, in which he said that Flynn was an "ally" in efforts to seek out hackers and find Clinton's emails, renewed focus was placed on Flynn.

Mueller's expansion into checking the veracity of Smith's claims show that they are working to turn over every single rock to explore whether there was any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. All it takes is one email, one text, one sloppy mistake and the entire house of cards could come tumbling down.

Mueller's team have been conducting interviews and are working to determine if Smith's story is true - did Flynn or his consulting group, Flynn Intel Group, work with any hackers or attempt to serve as an intermediary in getting said emails.

WSJ reports that Flynn's lawyer and his son's lawyer had no comment.

So how exactly is this connected to Flynn? Well, WSJ reports that sources have reviewed reports from intelligence agencies that seem to support Smith's statements: Russian hackers were caught discussing how to obtain emails from Clinton’s server and then get them to Flynn via an intermediary.


Drip drip drip.

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