Open Thread - Sign Of The Day

One sign among many at vigils for Charlottesville around the country...

Open Thread - Sign Of The Day

A sign from a vigil for Charlottesville in Springfield, Illinois.

I call it the best sign, but I'm biased. I made the sign, and the person holding it is my son Junior Dude, who leaves for his first year of college this week.

I'm indulging the personal post because today is my 10th year work anniversary here at Crooks and Liars. I'm so grateful to work with John Amato and the terrific staff he has brought on board, most especially during this most insane time in our nation's politics.

Two days before I started work in 2007, I told John not to worry, it's August, and with Congress out of session, news was likely to be light. Karl Rove resigned from the Bush White House the very next day.

We thought THAT was an earth shaking pronouncement from a Republican White House back then.

Good times, good times. -- Frances Langum / Blue Gal

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