Nevada's Sen. Dean Heller Literally Stands With Racists

Dean Heller's campaign strategy so far? Killing health care for needy Nevadans and posing with white nationalist terrorists. Nevada, take note! Bye bye in 2018!

America's most insidious white nationalist groups (read: Neo-Nazis) gathered in Virginia yesterday, open carrying, dressed in riot gear and hoisting confederate flags to proudly terrorize a good portion of America's population. The mere existence of non-white Americans, who are quickly making their demographic a minority group, evoke public fury much like we saw in the Jim Crow days. By hanging on to the coattails of the head Racist-in-Chief Donald Trump, these hatemongers are emboldened to show their true colors.

In bizarre fashion, Nevada's vulnerable senator, Dean Heller (R-obvs) is doing everything to alienate the voters he needs the most, who happen to be the counter-protestors of the alt-Right. McConnell's healthcare concessions may not be enough to overcome the electoral deficit that should eliminate him, provided the 2018 midterm election's integrity is maintained.

Dean Heller, a member of the LDS faith, entered the Senate in 2011 as an appointment by Governor Sandoval after the John Ensign debacle. As an 'incumbent,' he won reelection narrowly in 2012. He's voted against birthright citizenship, voted to repeal the ACA and he was one of the Republican senators, a.k.a, the 47 traitors who signed Sen Tom Cotton's treasonous letter to Iran.

Not surprisingly, Heller sided with the xenophobes by voting against DACA, even after promising to uphold it in his campaign. Is that Heller just lying for the Lord, which is permissible in the LDS faith?

Given the faith’s "Lying for the Lord" doctrine and the high value the LDS religion seems to place on financial success, (it appears that the end justifies the means).

The Charlottesville events also connect the Republican senator to some of the alt-Right terrorists personally, but if the photo hadn't gone viral, he would never have volunteered that information. Pyotr Cvjetanovic is a staunchly racist white nationalist, who isn't secretive about his beliefs. Is it that hard to avoid a guy like this? It sure seems like it's quite easy, unless you're not actually trying to avoid the guy wearing a nametag.

The happy party-goer on the far-right is Peter (Pyotr) Cvjetanovic, a known alt-Right proponent of terror.

If racism in 2017 is absolutely abhorrent and unacceptable in any form, there is something Nevadans can do. Campaign for Democrats in the November 2018 midterms and vote Dean the "Heller" out of the Senate!

Nevada has a progressive Democrat who will be running against Heller in 2018. Rep. Jackie Rosen would be a fantastic complement to Nevada's other senator, Catherine Cortez Masto. Nevada is becoming more blue, like its neighbor California. Coincidentally, the Golden State has two female Democrats who represent their population admirably, and don't accidentally hang out with racists.

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