That Time A Heritage Shill Tried To Give Trump Credit For The Economy

This was so fun to watch.

This is a lot of fun to watch. Tim Doescher, a Heritage Foundation shill, comes on AM Joy to sing the economic praises of Donald Trump, and Joy Reid brings on Austan Goolsbee, former economic advisor to President Obama. (Which is the equivalent of the "Annie Hall" scene where Woody Allen brings out Marshall McLuhan to bolster his point against a fellow movie-goer.)

Doescher is lauding Trump for creating over one million jobs.

"This is a big win for Americans. This is a big win for coal miners in West Virginia, this is a big win for manufacturers right here in Detroit where I am, and so I don't really see this as something of obama's. this is definitely of Trump's," he said.

"Hold on a second," Reid said.

"You're saying that Trump hasn't signed any legislation that's made the economy grow, but he deserves credit for the economy but Barack Obama, who had eight years of signing legislation in policy, deserves no credit. Could we show the chart for job, so Obama deserves no credit for this, started off in the red and finished quite well, he deserves no credit but Donald Trump in seven months deserves all the credit?"

And it went downhill from there. Reid then drew Goolsbee into the conversation.

"I'll let you take this is being argued by your fellow Tim, Donald Trump, just the way he speaks, has made the economy flower but that Barack Obama in eight years did nothing," she said.

"Look, we've had, I believe, 84 months in a row of job growth, and the last six of those have been under Donald Trump. It's like a guy built a house and sold it to someone and that person walked in and turned the lights on and said, hey, look at this house I built," Goolsbee said.

Goolsbee said the economy was a continuation of the growth under Obama. "I would simply point out that when it happened under President Obama, it was Donald Trump himself saying you can't trust the statistics, these are all lies. There aren't this many jobs getting created, and literally with fewer jobs being created in the same statistics, Donald Trump is now saying, 'Look what I did!' "

Just watch the whole thing. If you enjoy watching facts beat assertions, you'll enjoy this.

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