Trevor Noah Compares Donald Trump's Military Strategy To 'His Position On Nazis -- Unclear'

Daily Show rightfully points out that the strategy unveiled is pretty thin on actual details.

The Daily Show had a great segment of Donald Trump's amazing, huge, beautiful and detail filled prime time "Distract us all from the Nazi loving speech" presentation from Monday. He even showed how dramatically different it was from Barack Obama's speech on the exact same topic.

"I'm sorry, look, I know that he's been president for seven months, but seeing Donald Trump making military decisions is still weird for me. I mean, he must be the first human being in history who gets to command an army after starring in a Pizza Hut commercial." But he didn't want to prejudge "Mr. Pizza Hut"

He went on: "Trump's actual strategy is like his position on Nazis...It's unclear."

Queue a nice montage of reporters talking about how unclear and lacking details the actual "startegy" is. No benchmarks. No specifics. Nothing. All bluster and words and promises. You know, like his entire campaign.

Noah joked: "Yeah, Trump is a problem solver the same way Godzilla is a city planner."

He also called Trump "Book Report Trump" where he just read the words (poorly and slowly) and tried really hard to be a good boy and stay on message...but Noah also pointed out some points where the Real Donald Trump actually came through. For example, when he started riffing and called terrorists "thugs, criminals and predators and....losers" and there is no insult that Trump feels is more cutting than being called a loser.

At the end of the clip, Noah closes by showing a great side by side of Barack Obama's speech on this exact topic and how eerily similar it is to, you guessed it, Trump's speech from Monday night. I wonder if the same speechwriter that helped Melania with her RNC speech assisted Donald with his speech.

What kind of loser has to plagiarize his predecessor because he can't formulate a clear thought on his own? Donald "Mr. Pizza Hut" Trump, that's who.

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