Trump Launches His Own Propaganda News Network

Trump has decided that even Fox News isn't propaganda enough for him.

Trump Launches His Own Propaganda News Network

The Trump cult has decided that Fox News doesn't provide the extreme level of Hitleresque propaganda that they crave, so what did they do? Launch their own "Real News" Trump weekly online news channel. The first episode was launched by Trump daughter-in-law, Lara Trump.

And then today, former CNN contributer Kayleigh McEnany showed up with a "report" of her own. Here is Kayleigh's "real news" launch:

This latest gig for Kayleigh comes just one day after she announced her sudden departure from CNN. Previously, she served as the dead-eyed, rabid, intellectually-challenged Trump proxy on CNN panels, occasionally joined by historically and follicly-challenged Jeffrey "KKK were Democrats" Lord.

Well, McEnany has moved on to a platform even more well-suited to her "talents" - an online Facebook page where she is limited to a few minutes of rambling about Trump "News of the Week." The focus of the show is to rehash positive Trump news of the week, so each segment should be about 30 seconds long. Per week. Maximum.

Let's take a step back here. Trump decided Fox News wasn't "real" (read: unquestioningly praising) enough for him so he made his own propaganda outlet to tout his successes (lie) and promote his agenda of wonderful things (awful things).

Can you imagine if the Democrats did this? How about Hillary and Bill Clinton launching their own news channel called "Clinton News Channel"...wait, Trumpkins already call CNN the same thing. Okay, how about Obama launching HIS own news channel? Hosted by his daughters or Michelle?

Collective heads would explode across Drudge, Daily Caller, Fox News and Breitbart.

"Democrats pushing despicable fake news by launching own news site" would be the bold, 36 font banner on Drudge.

"Socialist-Loving Obamas Refuse To Let Go, Continue Pushing Deep State Agenda" would be top post on Breitbart.

"Why won't the black man go away?" would be front and center on Daily Caller.

And on Fox? The 24 hour news cycle would be about Obama loyalists attempting to dismantle Trump's agenda, Clinton shadow staffers leaking news to them 24/7, Democrats starting a civil war with "Real Patriotic Americans."

But Trump launching a 1984-style propaganda news outlet?

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