Trump Voter Learns That 'The Wall' Will Fence Her House Into Mexico

Many Trump voters are learning that The Wall will negatively impact them. Whoops


Rarely do I relish in someone else's misfortune, but when I hear that an uninformed Trump voter is upset because some despicable Trump promise will end up hurting them, I laugh.

For example, all the voters that supported him for his nativist immigration policies may not be too excited to hear that he wants to take away their health insurance. Or that they may have their undocumented immigrant family members deported.

Well, now stories are coming out about Trump supporters losing their land or homes to The Wall. Reverb Press reports that one Trump supporter may be the best example of IRONY of all...when The Wall gets built (if it gets built), her house may be on the Mexican side of the border.

Poor Pat Bell of River Bend, Texas, is pretty upset. I mean, she supported a maniac who led rousing chants of "Build The Wall" at all his rallies, declared at every single opportunity that The Wall would be built and that it would be "beautiful." Now she is upset that if it is built, she'll be on the other side of it.

She could learn a lesson from D'Ann Loop, whose land was taken in an earlier border fence dispute. While Mrs. Loop was compensated for her land by the government after the dispute, she still feels a sense of injustice:

“I was very angry, I just kept saying, how can they do that? How is that possible in the United States that they can do this? They put up a fence in front of our land and then keep us in here — lock us in. I didn’t understand. I was very — I was floored and flabbergasted.”

Thousands of American citizens may have to give up their property to build The Wall. How ironic that many of the people most affected may be Trump supporters. Whoops.

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