What YOU Can Do To Help Hurricane Harvey Victims

If you want to help those flood victims of Hurricane Harvey, there are local charities that will get help to them directly.

What YOU Can Do To Help Hurricane Harvey Victims

I logged onto Facebook this morning to this rather horrifying picture of senior citizens sitting waist deep in flood waters at a nursing home in Dickinson, Texas. In attempting to verify the authenticity of the photograph, I was gratified to learn that the seniors have been airlifted out to safety.

But you and I know that sitting in flood waters for however long it took before they were rescued can pose significant health risks. And there's no telling when or IF they'll be able to be moved back into that facility.

And sadly, Trump will be no help

So the question then becomes, "What can I do?" The Red Cross is obviously out there, giving various avenues for donations. But please know that if you want your money to go directly for help, the Red Cross is not the way to go. Local charities are a much better bet for direct help. And as crass as it may sound, money is better than donated items, because it takes time to sort through items and needed things will fall through the cracks. Direct dollar donations allow charities to purchase exactly what's needed.

So with that in mind, I'm providing some links of charities to which your donations will be gratefully accepted.

Texas Diaper Bank is gathering diapers and other necessities to infants and their families displaced by floods.

Austin Pets Alive is trying to save pets abandoned or homeless.

The Austin Disaster Relief Fund is directing funds at a local level.

Save the Children has a specific Hurricane Harvey fund.

Carter Blood Care is accepting blood donations.

The crowdfunding site GoFundMe is aggregating various donation links for those who have to rebuild after the flooding recedes.

Airbnb is coordinating with local Texas members to offer temporary housing.

There are many, many more. If you know of a charity getting assistance directly to flood victims, please add it in the comments.

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