Blaming Paul Ryan: How Lou Dobbs Explains Away Trump

When you have to support Trump no matter what, Paul Ryan is the perfect Right Wing Media scapegoat.

Nobody really cares what Lou Dobb thinks here at C&L. But his latest screed against "RINO" (Republican in Name Only) Paul Ryan is instructive. It shows just how far Trump supporters (and particularly Right Wing Media) will go for the Donald. They'll eat their own to keep their strongman and ratings driver.

Nobody on the right likes Paul Ryan, of course, but he's a useful punching bag when the guy you call president betrays your entire political party in a one-hour meeting.

"Chuck and Nancy" get Trump's favor? Nancy Pelosi?

What's a right winger to do?

Blame Paul Ryan. (Transcript via The Atlantic)

A few thoughts now on the death of a RINO.

Nothing to lament here. We're just examining politics in 2017. I'm talking about Speaker Paul Ryan and his obsequious deference to corporate lobbyists, his unbridled hostility toward President Trump.

The president not only took RINO Ryan to the woodshed but eliminated any need for any Republican to ever pretend again that Ryan is a real Republican in any way––or that any RINO has a political future after Mr. Trump booted the hapless fool of a speaker out of the way of those trying to get the nation's business done. Here's the clueless Ryan just this morning talking about a proposal from Democrats tying Harvey funding to an increase in the debt ceiling.

(PAUL RYAN in a video clip)

“What the leaders you just described proposed is unworkable. I think that's a ridiculous and disgraceful that they want to play politics with the debt ceiling at this moment. I think that's a ridiculous idea. I hope that they don't mean that.”

They did mean that.

And it wasn’t so ridiculous, it turns out, because within just a few hours, President Trump reached a deal with the Democrats to raise the debt limit and fund the government until mid-December while providing funds for Harvey relief.

Deal done.

President Trump also clearing the way for tax reform while he was at it. Contrast Ryan’s inane insult, his obstinance and subversion of President Trump, to the behavior and the rhetoric of Democratic leadership of late. They’ve calmed themselves, they’ve been far more conciliatory in their rhetoric over recent weeks. And now Ryan is fully exposed to the nation. His Congress, one that has accomplished next to nothing this year, nothing in Paul Ryan's nearly two-year tenure as a speaker has been done.

Bill Kristol, ever helpful, decides to throw Ryan a lifeline: resign as speaker.

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