Fox Already Suggesting Obama To Blame For Tom Price Scandal

HHS Secretary Tom Price has resigned in the wake of revelations that he took hundreds of thousands of dollars of private plane trips at taxpayer expense. Fox News is already suggesting it might be Obama's fault.

HHS Secretary Tom Price has resigned in the wake of revelations that he took hundreds of thousands of dollars of private plane trips at taxpayer expense. Fox News is already suggesting it might be Obama's fault.

Yesterday, Price appeared on Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier. I wrote, "[T]he fact that anchor Bret Baier did nothing to help Price’s rehab suggested he's still in Republican disrepute."

A few minutes ago, it was announced that he had resigned. The Washington Post reported:

Politico, which first reported on Price’s repeated use of chartered jets, has estimated the total expense of the taxpayer-funded trips exceeded $400,000 — and it reported early Thursday evening that his White House-approved flights on military planes to Africa, Europe and Asia cost more than $500,000.

Besides the charter flight issue, Trump has also directed some of his frustration at Price over the inability of Republicans in Congress to pass a health-care-reform bill.

Fox News is already at work trying to make sure nobody blames Donald Trump for the swampy, White House-approved behavior of his own cabinet member. The FoxNews.com article about Price's resignation includes these gratuitous swipes at Obama:


Speaking to reporters on Friday, the president referenced how officials with the Obama administration also used government planes.

“If you look at the Obama administration, and you take a look at the amount of time that they spent in the air, they spent a lot of time in the air,” Trump said.

According to statistics provided by a senior administration official, the Trump White House has authorized fewer trips on military planes for senior officials than the Obama administration did during the first eight months in office.

From Jan. 20 to Sept. 19, the Trump administration authorized 77 military flights, while the Obama administration allowed 94 flights during the same time period, according to the stats.

There is no explanation in the article about how or why the White House approved Price's travel.

Watch Price's unsuccessful attempt at Republican Rehab below, from the September 28, 2017 Special Report with Bret Baier show.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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