Fox And Friends Compares Confederate Statues To The 9/11 Memorial?

Making a connection literally no one but Brian Kilmeade could repeat with a straight face.

Brian Kilmeade sure does have a certain "skill set"!

Sitting on the crotch couch over at Fox and Friends, Kilmeade made a connection that only someone as mind-blowingly stupid as Brian Kilmeade could make:

Kilmeade asked Trump's Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke (who?)

"Do you worry 100 years from now someone’s gonna try to take that [9/11] memorial down like they’re trying to remake our memorials today?”

OUR memorials? Good one, Kilmeade. Betcha the suits at Fox give you an attaboy for that one.

And instead of saying "Wow, what are you smoking, Brian, because koosh that strong on a Monday morning whoo Nelly," Zinke (I just can't) went along for the magic carpet ride to "a confederate monument is exactly like the 9/11 monument" land with Kilmeade, Doocy, and the thighs in the middle.

“Well, I’m one that believes, you know, we should learn from history, and I think our monuments are part of our country’s history,” he said. “We can learn from it. Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus, everyone is gonna fall morally short, and I think reflecting on our history — both good and bad — is a powerful statement and part of our DNA.”

I'm sorry, what?

Oh, I take it back. Zinke brought up missing Jesus statues, You know, let's point out how bad America's separation of church and state is, just slip it in there for points.

And here I thought Kilmeade was on drugs.

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