Fox’s Kennedy Ridiculously Claims Obamacare Is ‘Immoral’ And Causes ‘Human Suffering’
No hyperbole here, no sir.
One day after Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery argued that Jimmy Kimmel’s son and other sick children don’t need health insurance because charity is so awesome, she was back on Fox, this time arguing that “all of Obamacare is immoral” and has “resulted in human suffering.”
While she was at it, Kennedy took a dig at Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), who just happens to be a holdout on the latest iteration of Trumpcare, the Graham-Cassidy bill:
Media Matters has the transcript:
KENNEDY: I mean, the whole enterprise, all of Obamacare is immoral. All of Obamacare has resulted in human suffering. And all you have to do is look at someplace like Alaska, where people’s premiums have quadrupled since 2013. And that’s why—they’ve gone up even more in Alaska, and that’s why Lisa Murkowski, one the senators from that state, is having a really tough time with this, because she has to make sure that if she makes another promise on health care to the people in her state, she’ll be able to deliver.
We have previously debunked the right-wing's Alaska-premiums talking point. Short answer: With Obamacare subsidies, most Alaskans are paying less, even with the premium hikes.
Furthermore, the percentage of Americans without health insurance hit an all-time low this year.
Some suffering.
A recent poll found Americans want Obamacare fixed, not repealed. The Graham-Cassidy bill is particularly unpopular.
At least as significant as public opinion is the avalanche of health care professionals, hospitals, insurance companies and patient groups that oppose it.
Does Kennedy think Americans are too stupid to know whether they are suffering or not?
Watch the phony compassion above, from the September 21, 2017 Outnumbered, via Media Matters.
(Originally published at