Hillary Clinton: Tillerson Has Never Reached Out To Anyone

Clinton pointed out the Trump administration "doesn't know what they don't know."

In her interview with Rachel Maddow last night, Hillary Clinton said the State Department had been gutted at a time when it was badly needed.

"We have decimated our State Department. Foreign service officers with decades of experience have either been ignored or in some cases pushed so hard that they have resigned," Clinton said.

"There's no real plan. What I hear from inside of the department, because I still have a lot of communication coming to me, is that there's a very small group of people around Tillerson, none of them experienced diplomats that he has brought in to be his palace guards, so to speak," she said.

And they don't seem to have any strategy about North Korea, Clinton said.

"They don't even reach out into the State Department to talk to the people who have studied North Korea for years. So they're not getting the expertise and experience that is still at the State Department."

Clinton said neither she nor other former secretaries have heard from Tillerson.

Tillerson yesterday revealed plans to slashing billions from State's budget over the next five years and cut 2,000 jobs.

The world is a dangerous place. Hillary Clinton was the only person running who had a clue how to handle it.

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