Jacksonville, FL Pizza Hut Threatens To Fire Workers Who Flee Hurricane Irma
Minimum wage workers face a serious choice: safety or employment

Pizza Hut in Jacksonville operates in a manner that Donald Trump would approve of: profits over people. I mean, why should evacuating from Hurricane Irma stop a minimum wage employee from coming in, right? It's not like they rely on their car or a bus to get to work and they definitely don't need a safe, non flooded house to give them shelter and who needs electricity. Wait. That's not right.
Well, here is the flyer that Pizza Hut posted:
Hmmmm....Ironically, the flyer starts with:
"Our #1 priority is the safety and security of our team...but...As a general rule of thumb, we close stores 6-12 hours before storm hits. Or night before if a daytime storm ... If evacuating, you will have a 24-hour period before storm 'grace period' to not be scheduled. You cannot evacuate Friday for a Tuesday storm event. Failure to show for these shifts, regardless of reason will be considered a no call/no show and documentation will be issued,” it continued to say, adding that employees should prepare for the storm immediately and not wait to buy their supplies."
Listen, you disgusting, selfish, heartless Pizza Hut manager - many of your employees probably still live at home, so if their parents or grandparents choose to evacuate early, you better believe the staff that get paid $8.10 an hour is going with them. No one can evacuate in 24 hours.
It ends with a serious threat: All employees must return within 72 hours of their evacuation and appear for their shifts.
Um, many people will be displaced for well over 72 hours, so this is absolutely disgusting. People may die just to make it into work. Pizza is not more important than your life. I hope customers take notice and bring their business to a company that won't do this to their staff. People should come first. Period.
Pizza Hut, this is not a good look.