Lindsey Graham Discovers That They're All Bozos On His Bus
Firesign Theater at the Republican Senate....
It turns out that three-term United States Senator Lindsey Graham -- the co-sponsor of the most recent, hideous, malformed, stillborn monster of a Republican Repeal and fck You bill -- had no idea what he was doing.
Yes, very much like Republican party base voter template boy, Homer Simpson --
Homer: "Lisa, the whole reason we have elected officials is so we don't have to think all the time. Just like that rainforest scare a few years back. Our officials saw there was a problem and they fixed it, didn't they?"
Lisa: "No, Dad, I don't think..."
Homer: "There's that word again!"
-- Lindsey Goober Graham just assumed that out there, somewhere, some other Republican congress that wasn't packed to the rafters with braying demagogues, racist con men and assorted other complete dolts had been tinkering away for the last seven years on some superfckingawesome Republican health care bill. And that, when it came time to slap his name on something, he could just rip off their notes, walk it around the Senate and the Sunday shows sounding smart, and then, bing-bang-boom, Lindsay Graham, Health Care Genius is born.
Unfortunately, Senator Graham only reads lurid David Brooks Beltway porn about The!Amazing! Republican!Renaissance!That!Is!Always!Just!Around!The!Corner! and does not sully himself with dirty, low-brow blogs like this. Because if he did, he would have learned that we here at the driftglass blog blew the lid off of this whole "there's a whole 'nother Republican congress hiding in the woods someplace doing terrific, groundbreaking work on stuff" rumor a long time ago.
But Senator Graham had to find out the hard way.
And it went a little something like this (from The Intercept):
Ryan Grim, Aída Chávez
Now that it has fizzled out, the lead author of the measure, known as the Graham-Cassidy bill, has an admission to make: He had no clue what he was doing.
A reporter pointed out that such ignorance at this late stage is hard to understand. “You’ve been working to overhaul this for seven years. Why is this so hard?” she asked.
“Well, I’ve been doing it for about a month. I thought everybody else knew what the hell they were talking about, but apparently not,” Graham clarified, adding he had assumed “these really smart people will figure it out.”...
United States.