Looking Bad For GOP? Democrats Flip Two Statewide Seats

In so-called Republican districts, Democratic women flip the seat for the State Legislature, and yes, it's part of a trend.

Looking Bad For GOP?  Democrats Flip Two Statewide Seats

You can pack a lot into a single sentence, but boy howdy, did The Orlando Sentinel win a prize with this one:

Annette Taddeo beat state Rep. Jose Felix "Pepi" Diaz to fill the Miami-area seat left vacant when Republican Frank Artiles resigned after using the “n-word” in front of two black colleagues.

Florida, will you never stop being you? I guess you are now. Taddeo ran specifically on healthcare and motherhood. Winning!

Annette Taddeo was a victim of the Guccifer 2.0 hack last year, so it's particularly gratifying that she won her race last night.

And a New Hampshire district where Donald Trump won by 23 points sent Democrat Kari Lerner to the State House as a representative. Voter registration in the district is 2-1 in favor of Republicans, but the Democrat won anyway.

Democrats have flipped 8 Republican statehouse seats since Trump was "elected," Republicans have flipped zero Democratic seats.

More like this, please, and a 50 state strategy. Compete everywhere.

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