Mike Pence Doth Protest Too Much: 'I, Me, Personally, Myself, Didn't Know Any Russians'

What's wrong with this answer? Everything.

Mike Pence is for some reason... this Thursday.... when Congress is out of town.... the guest on the morning talk shows. For now I'll spare you the Fox and Friends tongue bath and highlight this revealing moment from CBS This Morning:

CHARLIE ROSE: Do you believe – Mr. Mueller is exceeding his jurisdiction?

MIKE PENCE: Well I think that’s for others to say. What I can assure you is that we’re fully cooperating with the special counsel and we’ll continue to do that. I’ve made clear that during my time on the campaign I was not aware of any contacts or any collusion with Russian officials. I stand by that and as I said we’ll provide any information the special counsel requires, but honestly, this is not what the American people are focused on.

What, no declaration of innocence for the so-called president? Just, not me?

By the time this thing winds up, please God soon, is Mike Pence going to devolve into Jake Blues?

"I ran out of gas! I got a flat tire! I didn’t have change for cab fare! I lost my tux at the cleaners! I locked my keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!"

My sense is, it will read more like this:

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