Paul Ryan Can't Spin The 'DACA Agreement' Fast Enough

"Chuck and Nancy" are dancing around Republicans because no one trusts THEIR president.

So Paul Ryan goes before the cameras this morning and bravely pretends he wasn't taken for a big ol' ride by Nancy, Chuck, and...what's his name again?

And the problem is two-fold: no one trusts Trump anymore, anywhere, ever. And at the same time the Trump White House is (heh heh) reminding America constantly that he and he alone is the head of the Republican Party.


But it's Paul Ryan's Job to spin this, and so spin he did:

PAUL RYAN: There is no agreement. The president and the chief of staff called me from Air Force One today to discuss what was discussed. And it was a discussion, not an agreement or a negotiation. Let me say a couple of things I've been saying for weeks. The president and I have been talking about this for weeks. You cannot fix DACA without fixing the root cause of our problem.

We do not have control -- operational control of our border, making sure we have border security and enforcement so we can solve the problems facing our country. So I see a solution, one, as something that has the president's support that our country can get behind because we will do this in conjunction with the president.

ANDREA MITCHELL: And Paul Ryan trying to reassure the base that they are still in control of the agenda. They're going to negotiate a compromise with Democrats.
Garrett Haake. what is Nancy Pelosi saying today about this meeting last night?

GARRETT HAAKE: She is going farther than Speaker Ryan is to describe the terms of it. The idea is a deal to make a deal and get on the pathway to citizenship, which has been an anathema to Republicans. And for Paul Ryan to say he's not negotiating via the media, that would make him the only major player who isn't, because that's what the Democrats and the president are doing. And then splitting hairs on the negotiations, this is a president who wrote a book called "The Art of the Deal." I doubt he sees it that finely. ...

ANDREA MITCHELL: Garrett Haake with a reality check. Thank you very much.

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