Trump Golfs While Desperation Mounts In Puerto Rico

While Trump golfs, Americans are literally dying in Puerto Rico

While the Trump administration continues to declare that his response to the growing humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico is going well, it is becoming apparent that it is an abject failure. Part of it may be that Trump flat out doesn't realize that Puerto Rico is an American territory or that millions of American citizens live there.

Well, after weeks of Trump saying that things are going great, the mayor of the largest city in Puerto Rico went on the news today literally pleading for help. She said, bluntly, "We are dying here."

She went on:

"We are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency, and the bureaucracy...This is what we got last night. Four pallets of water, three pallets of meals, and 12 pallets of infant food — which, I gave them to the people of Comerio, where people are drinking off a creek. So I am done being polite. I am done being politically correct. I am mad as hell."

The abject failure appears to be a trifecta of Trump's utter incompetence, lack of urgency on the part of the Trump administation and the sheer magnitude of the damage. Many report that FEMA has "collapsed" on the island in terms of its ability to offer help and supplies to those most in need.

The Mayor went on:

"I cannot fathom that the thought that the greatest nation in the world cannot figure out logistics for a small island of 100 miles by 35 miles. If we don't get the food and the water into people's hands, we are going to see something close to a genocide. I am asking the president of the United States to make sure somebody is in charge that is up to the task of saving lives."

In a continued fit of delusion, Trump keeps repeating how amazing of a job FEMA is doing: “We have done an incredible job, considering there’s absolutely nothing to work.”

Does cholera constitute an "incredible job"?

This is how Trump is spending his weekend, clearly concerned for all the American citizens facing possible death:


Super concerned

Maybe his golf game will be messed up

And, scene

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