Sean Spicer Cashing In? Is SNL On The Phone?

Looks like Sean Spicer may be getting a payday after all.

(Hard to believe that Melissa McCarthy played Sean Spicer for the first time on SNL only seven months ago. Good times.)

Axios reports that Sean Spicer is looking into how to cash in on his infamy. Apparently people stop him for selfies "all the time," and his press briefings were very popular in Ireland.

Among the possibilities Spicer is weighing:

  • Lucrative consultancies (not lobbying) to give advice to individuals and corporations.
  • Paid appearances on TV shows in Ireland and the U.K.
  • Hollywood productions have reached out.
  • There'll be no tell-all, but he's considering a book detailing lessons learned in crisis communications, at the White House and the Republican National Committee, where he was chief strategist.

No tell-all books? Of course we can be sure Spicer signed a non-disclosure agreement with Trump -- Trump had his phone bank sign one during the campaign fergodssakes -- so no "tell-all" books are going to come out of the Trump White House. It's why there haven't been more rats jumping ship from the Oval Office.

Is there a possibility he could appear on Saturday Night Live? I have a suggestion. Put Sean himself in a wig and high heels, and let him play Melissa McCarthy on Home Shopping Network. The SNL people could parody this without breaking a sweat:

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