Seth Meyers Flames Republicans On Healthcare And Trump On 'Nambia'
Let's call repeal and replace, "Nambia."
Last night Seth Meyers took Republicans to task for their "outrageous" health "care" bill, stripping Medicaid funds and leaving those with pre-existing conditions at risk, all the while using government airplanes and private jets to conduct "business" like viewing the eclipse at Fort Knox.
He also noted that Donald Trump always, always over-promises without any idea how his promise will pass or get implemented. Take Trump's "terrific" healthcare:
Shockingly, it turns out Trump had no idea how to accomplish any of it. In fact, a recent meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers tried to pitch him on a compromise bill to shore up Obamacare, all Trump cared about was the name.
According to Politico, Trump asked if he could call it “repeal and replace” and a Democratic official told him, “you can call it whatever you want, Mr. President.”
“Hell, you can call it Nambia! Nobody else is using it.”