Shocker: Trump Tower Was NOT Wiretapped By Obama
Remember Trump's baseless accusation that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower? DOJ investigated...
Remember back in March when Donald Trump accused Obama, with ZERO evidence, that he had wiretapped Trump Tower?
Guess what? The Liar in Chief LIED. The Department of Justice said in a court filing late Friday that it found zero evidence to substantiate Trump's whackadoodle twitter rant about any wiretaps.
The filing said:
"Both FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets."
Shortly after Trump's angry grandpa tweets, FBI Director Comey told Congress that there was no evidence to support this accusation. He said in an open House Intelligence hearing: "We have no information to support those tweets"
Shortly after, Comey was fired, and we all know how that helped Trump's "Presidency"* so far.