Trump Official Goes Mute When Asked About Climate Change

Her silence spoke volumes, and shames us all.

On the one hand, her reluctance to say anything is sort of understandable. In this backwards administration, if she'd said anything about climate change adding to the severity of weather events in recent years it's likely Gloria Steele would have been fired on the spot.

On the other hand though, her silence and this administration continue to shame us all.

Source: Buzzfeed

During an exchange in Congress on Thursday, Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly asked USAID official Gloria Steele about any possible link between the devastating flooding in Bangladesh and climate change.

But when Connolly asked the question, Steele, a career official in charge of administering US aid to Asia, froze.

The issue of climate change can be risky for career officials to discuss. While many bureaucrats accept the scientific consensus that climate change is real, they are also aware that Trump has called it a "hoax."

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