Trump Plans To Punt DACA To Congress Just In Time For GOP Primary Season

Just as Republican Congressmen are planning their re-election primaries, they are going to have to make a stand on children and immigration...

It's outrageous, of course.

During his "national day of prayer" for the victims of Hurricane Harvey, Donald Trump decided to end DACA, and give Congress six months to resolve the issue.

It's not like the Republican Congress has any experience or credibility when it comes to, you know, governing.

And they've got nothing to do in the next six months, either, amirite?

What else is on the agenda for the next six months? Oh, that's right. Starting their re-election campaigns, including winning the primary for their party. And some MOC's have primary challengers to the right of Slobodan Milosevic. Should make for some interesting "debates" designed to cater to the racist base, eh Paul Ryan? And the other purpose of those debates is to provide fodder for general election ads.

Remember how well that worked out for Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin?

Expect many more self-inflicted wounds from Republicans over DACA this spring, all because THEIR president, Donald J. Trump, dropped this issue right in their laps.

So either the Republican majority (both houses, something every single Republican would like you to forget) will do something to make this DACA issue go away quickly, or they will reap the whirlwind in the general election as they out-mean and out-racebait each other in their primaries, the end.

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