Trump's Top Tax Adviser 'Can't Guarantee' Your Taxes Won't Go Up Under TrumpTax
But Gary, you're supposed to lie!
Expect to see this clip over and over again in campaign ads running through next November. Gary Cohn, Donald Trump's top tax adviser, tells George Stephanopolous that he "can't guarantee" that middle-class taxes won't go up under the Trump Tax plan.
Why the #$@^ not?
"It depends on what state you live in." ABC News:
"There's an exception to every rule," Cohn told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in an interview on "Good Morning America."
"I can't guarantee anything," Cohn added. "You can always find a unique family somewhere."
Cohn, the director of the White House Economic Council, said Trump's plan is "purely aimed at middle-class families." But he acknowledged that "it depends which state you live in."
Oh. My. God. He's talking about taking away the deductions for state and local income taxes, as well as the home mortgage deduction. Two tax breaks that middle-class families living in places where local and state taxes (and home prices) are high.
Blue States.
I'll bet you he guaranteed Donald Trump that his taxes would go down. But how would voters know that? We still have never seen Donald Trump's taxes.
Everybody already knows this is a tax cut for billionaires program. But we kinda expected you'd be a better liar about it, Gary.