Ari Melber Connects More Dots On Latest Trump Tower/Russia Revelations
Strongest evidence of collusion yet.
Ari Melber and his panel on the Beat discussed the newest revelations about the meeting the Trump campaign had with a Russian lawyer with close ties to Putin in June of 2016. You know, the meeting only about adoptions and nothing else. Well, the story is getting even murkier with breaking news tonight that the talking points brought to the meeting were shared with the Kremlin.
Hmmm, and the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya swears she has nothing to do with the Kremlin at all. She must have taken an Uber to the wrong address and just ended up stumbling into the Kremlin, I guess.
Remember this video of Donald Trump's defense of his son's meeting at Trump Tower where he said:
"We talked about adoption. Russian adoption. I always found that interesting. He end that had years ago and I actually talked about Russian adoption with him which is interesting because that was a part of the conversation that Don had."
Ok. Let's go along with that. Fine, they met with some Russians to talk adoption. That's it. Well, guess what? That is not the full story. Ari Melber and his panel really broke it down in the above clip, but the key point was this exchange between Natasha Bertrand and Ari:
Melber: Have you seen the Chaika memo?
Bertrand: I have.
Melber: What does it tell you?
Bertrand: It is essentially verbatim give or take a few lines here and there that Natalia Veselnitskaya brought with her to trump tower. When I noticed the similarity a few weeks ago, I asked Bill Browder about it. He said this is strongest evidence that we have to date.
Just as a reminder, "Chaika" is Yuri Chaika, the prosecutor general from the Kremlin. Apparently, Ari's panel reported that Chaika had given the memo that Veselnitskaya produced to a member of Congress as well (probably Rohrabacher). This means that Veselnitskaya "coordinated" with Chaika in some way.
Too many dots being connected between Trump campaign and Kremlin. But is it illegal? You better believe Mueller and his team are all over it.