Corey Lewandowski: We Should Focus On 'The Continued Lies Of The Clinton Administration'
Look in the dictionary under "sycophant" and find a picture of Corey Lewandowski!
You know how quantum physics talks about multiple realities? That's where former Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski lives, in a place where Hillary Clinton is president and needs to be stopped. In this morning's rant on Fox and Friends, he forgot which planet he was on!
"The dam is breaking. We're never going to hold the water back! Give me a break, okay?" he said.
"Look, the speculation is so insane right now. What we should be focusing on are the continued lies of the Clinton administration, the continued fallacy that they perpetuate."
He said no one really knows what Mueller is doing right now.
"Let's just take a deep breath for a second. Let's wait and see what happens on Monday, and let me be very, very clear. I am certain of this. This has nothing to do with the president," he said
"If there were bad players on the outside that has a periphery or small role in some type of the campaign, my guess is, these charges have nothing to do with the campaign whatsoever, because I was there.
"There was no collusion, cooperation or coordination with Russia, so let's see what Mueller does, but, the dam is not breaking. The only thing that is breaking is the Democrats.
"You have Leon Panetta, not really a strong conservative Republican, calling for an investigation into the DNC and the Clinton campaign. You have the attorney for the Clinton campaign candidly lying for an extended period of time, sitting in an investigation next to the chairman when they asked him about those payments to Fusion GPS, saying 'I don't know anything about it.' And moreover we've got a campaign that spent millions of dollars getting false information, and supposedly nobody in the campaign knew that this was taking place.
"So the real story that nobody wants to talk about is that the Clinton campaign was attaining information, probably illegally from a former MI6 spy, about something that never took place and there's no accountability for it. So, where's the investigation into that and into the Uranium One problem?"
Well, you understand. He's too old for a blankie or a binkie, so all he has to soothe himself are his insane talking points. No one did anything wrong, Hillary Clinton is a meanie, and those horrible Dems keep picking on his daddy!