Did Sean Hannity Give Hillary Clinton A Costume Idea?

He called her "President Clinton" last night, and she's going as "the President" for Halloween. Coincidence?

At a book event in Chicago yesterday, Hillary Clinton was asked to react to the Mueller Indictments.

She didn't want to comment on an ongoing investigation (Wow, maybe Sarah Huckabee Sanders should take some notes!) but she did say we know enough about Trump ignoring the Russian attack on our elections, that Congress must be called out to hold him accountable.

It appears that like a lot of us, Hillary Clinton has given up on Trump getting any better. She's calling out Congress for letting him be this way.

And then someone asked her what she was going as for Halloween.

She said, "Oh, I have to think about that, don't I? I think I'll go as The President." Laughter ensued.

And in case you think she didn't get that idea from Fox...she's well aware that they can't stop pretending she won:

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