Dove Posted This Extremely Questionable Advertisement And People Are Furious

What marketing executive saw this and said "great plan, guys!"

Dove, the 60 year old iconic bar soap and body care line, has always been a staple in women's bathrooms worldwide. In fact, I bet most of you remember seeing the delicately curved bar with the beautiful dove bird cut out on the top and have fond memories of it's light scent and gentle cleaning.

Well, today they really messed up all those warm and fuzzy feelings with a truly bad ad campaign that I am shocked even made it out of the first round of marketing meetings. Here is how it went down: black woman with a dark caramel shirt lifts it over her head...and poof - she reveals a white woman with a cream color shirt.

So a black woman is dirty and when she cleans herself she becomes white? I cannot even wrap my brain around this ad and why someone even felt it was a good message to send to anyone.

Twitter was equally enraged and had many questions:

Not that this type of imagery is new

Dove kind of apologized:

Do better, Dove.

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