Gen. Kelly On Rep. Wilson: 'Apologize? No, Never'

Remember, this is the guy who's supposed to be a role model for Trump.

It was Laura Ingraham's inaugural show, and she used clips of the Miami FBI building dedication to question Gen. John Kelly, who criticized Rep. Frederica Wilson for her speech.

“Wilson, in her speech, did not brag about getting funding, as you indicated in your remarks,” Ingraham said, "I heard the word 'I' a lot," she said. (Because no politician ever brags about what they got done -- or what they didn't actually get done, like the man in the White House.)

The video showed Wilson actually talked about her quick action on getting the building named after two slain FBI agents.

Kelly didn't back down, saying she made additional statements before the ceremony and at the reception afterwards. “It was a package deal,” he said. “I don’t want to get into it.”

“Do you feel like you have something to apologize for?” Ingraham said.

“No. Never,” Kelly said. “I’ll apologize if I need to. But for something like that, absolutely not. I stand by my comments.”

Especially when it makes the sociopath you work for so very happy?

Kelly also took the opportunity to praise seditionist traitor Robert E. Lee, and blamed the Civil War on the "inability to compromise."

Comprise on what, exactly, General? Slavery? Sedition? Do tell.

It sounds like we have more than one white supremacist in the West Wing.

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