Grandpa Crazypants Is Ranting On Twitter Before His Laxative Has Kicked In
Donald Trump is not handling news of the Mueller indictment(s) very well
Grandpa crazypants is at it again, ranting at twitter like a caged animal, frantically trying to scratch his way out. It is both hilarious and terrifying at the same time.
First up, blaming Democrats for Obamacare premiums going up...
Then we get to the fun stuff:
Clinton, Dossier...oldies but goodies
Fox talking point - uranium, Comey, emails...
Fake news, collusion, with hunt...
Democrat "guilt" and pleas for someone to "do something"...who? His base? Is he asking them to take to the streets to protect him? Who knows.
And finally, insinuating that these charges are political and motivated to derail tax reform.
Someone give this man a Xanax, take away his phone and give him his two scoops of ice cream to shut him up.