Huckabee Sanders Asks Twitter How They'll 'Spend' Their Tax Cut 'Windfall'
Sarah Huckabee Sanders should know better than to pretend "a lie" is "the truth" on Twitter.
So Sarah Huckabee Sanders decided it might be cute to get all "interactive" with the folks on Twitter in defense of the so-called president's "tax plan."
The meme of the week is that everybody can plan on a $4000 windfall from increased wages thanks to cutting taxes for billionaire corporations, who will then turn around and, nevermind about the sacks of cash they have in offshore accounts, pass along the savings from taxes to their employees.
I haven't ever had a job with a Wall Street listed corporation, but apparently, everyone in America has a secret corporation job they don't even know about and everyone will get an "average" of $4000 from whatever trickle-down fantasy Mrs. Huckadoodle-do is selling.
But back to Sarah's fantastic idea to get "interactive" and push the fantasy at the same time:
Twitter was so unimpressed with this that space can hardly contain the collective eyeroll from the general public.
See, nobody believes that their boss will pay them more just because he gets a tax cut from Donald Trump. Nobody.
Some of the responses are here, but click huckadoodle's tweet above to see the rest. It went on and on...