The Weinstein Sexual Harassment Is All About Mika...And Hillary?

Poor, poor Mika. Why can't other people stand up to Harvey Weinstein? And how can we make this about Hillary Clinton?

Help me out here. Does anyone remember Mika Brzezinski denouncing Donald Trump for his sexual harassment, either before or after the Access Hollywood tape?

Because I think we're safe in assuming that anyone who ever socialized with Trump must have known he was a pig. Right? And we know she and Joe were guests at Mar-A-Lago. It does make you wonder.

Anyway, this morning, a self-congratulatory Mika furrowed her brow and wondered why more people weren't as courageous as she was, walking away from her book deal with a Harvey Weinstein-owned company.

Oo oo, let me guess!

Could it be they don't have the same, um, job security as someone who's engaged to marry her boss? Maybe they're not multimillionaires?

Or maybe, just maybe, since Harvey Weinstein isn't an elected official or policymaker, Hillary Clinton, who is never running for public office again doesn't think she has to comment?

Mika's tsk tsk is RICH coming from a woman who joked last summer about "Donald getting his groove back" all the while Donald was keeping her relationship with Joe secret for her. And Mika, who knew all about the playboy Howard Stern years with Donald making on-air jokes about the babes he banged, because all of New York did, said this:

"You saw him connecting with the crowd in a way that no other politician in the history of politics that we know ever could."

Yep, that's a direct quote from Mika Brzezinski about Donald Trump last July. Quid pro quo for his silence on the Joe Scarborough affair? Ya think?

Why not ask Donald Trump, and his senior advisor Ivanka Trump, to comment on Weinstein? Because Weinstein gave money to Democrats, and that makes Democrats responsible for his wanker-tude. Whereas the Republican Party has no responsibility whatsoever for pussy-grabbing Trump, not to mention the latest, Congressman "forced birth unless it's my mistress" Murphy. You know, elected officials with the support of party leadership and re-election machinery from the RNC.

In any event, these days, it's all about Mika standing for principle and women. And don't you forget it!

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