NRA 'Softens' Stance On Bump Stocks? Don't Believe It

They're also demanding unregulated gun ownership nationwide.

Well, this will make headlines:

You don't have to read between the lines, even:

1. It's Obama's fault.

2. Even the NRA doesn't want to be associated with killing this many people with one gunman, so we'll blame Obama and suggest that his "bump stocks" - the devices that make semi-automatic guns into automatic guns - are the problem.

The fact that a white guy with enough money can buy scores of SEMI-automatic weapons and get them to a high-level hotel room with no difficulty? You bet the NRA wants to make this about bump stocks -- the thing that gun manufacturers do not make money on.

3. And take a look at the last line above: "National Right to Carry Reciprocity" means they want unregulated arms sales across state lines.

That's adorable, given that Moms Demand Action and other groups have had their greatest success at the state and local level in pushing for rational gun regulation.

Hey, the NRA is all for states rights until it isn't. Then, let's have the bought and paid for Congress undercut that.

That's one of twenty-one tweets they sent to the NRA yesterday about their slogan, "freedom's safest place." They also point out that it's not too soon to talk about doing something about gun violence. It's too late. Too late for Las Vegas and Sandy Hook and Miami and San Bernadino and, and, and.

PS. You, reading this right now, can do something. Here:

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