The NRA's Latest Video Is Insanely Paranoid, Like Donald Trump

Dana Loesch truly embodies the psychotic paranoia of the waning numbers of NRA members.

The Second Amendment Ammosexuals are delicate snowflakes whose fee fees are very hurt by those who question the legitimacy of their dear leader, Donald J. Trump.

Seriously, who in the NRA organization could bemoan the virtues of the man who boasted he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it? Not Dana Loesch. She's deeply troubled by the opinions expressed by Americans exercising their First Amendment rights. She wants the Second Amendment fringe lunatics to grab some more guns and ammo to add to their impressive collections.

In just under one minute, Loesch proclaims that Trump is the victim of terribly unfair persecution. She complains of a political system that lacks legitimacy, even though the Republican party they serve has been complicit in delegitimizing our democracy. She complains of billionaires who seek to undermine the system and of course, she demonizes the "universities" where that awful education of people takes place.

The language is dramatic, almost Old Testament Biblical. Phrases like 'drive their daggers through the heart of our future' and 'so they can build their Utopia from the ashes of what they burned down.' Not only does the language get a bit excessive, the paranoia is evident by this gem: 'But the ultimate insult is that they think we're so stupid that we'll let them get away with it.' We don't think you're so stupid Dana.

Here's the full text of the ad:

We are witnesses to the most ruthless attack on a "president" and the people who voted for him and the free system that allowed it to happen. In American history, from the highest levels of government, to their media universities and billionaires, their hateful defiance of his legitimacy is an insult to each of us. But the ultimate insult is that they think we're so stupid that we'll let them get away with it. These saboteurs, slashing away with their leaks and smears, their phony accusations and gagging sanctimony, drive their daggers through the heart of our future, poisoning our belief that honest custody of our institutions will ever again be possible. So they can then build their Utopia from the ashes of what they burned down. Know their fate will be failure and they will perish in the political flames of their own fires. We are the National Rifle Association of America and we are freedom's safest place.

Give us a break Dana, and that goes for your NRA masters you serve. You are doing precisely what your very questionably legitimate/sane/competent leader does almost constantly. You are projecting what you folks are guilty of: voter suppression, cheating, violence, racism, leaking classified information and on and on. That list of the culpable includes all the lunatics at the VVS 2017 who spoke alongside you and Sebastian Gorka who want this nation to be a gun-toting hellscape, much like a heavily armed Russia would be if they had their own NRA. Putin knows better than to allow too many of your fringe ammosexuals to run amok in his motherland.

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