Oh Look, The NRA Is Selling 'Murder Insurance' To George Zimmerman Types

Just in case you "accidentally" murder some different-color person while "standing your ground", you're covered by the NRA insurance policy!

You can't make this up. Color of Change (h/t Joe My God)

Two insurance companies, Chubb and Lockton Affinity, have partnered with the NRA to provide NRA Carry Guard insurance to gun owners who shoot someone and claim “self-defense.”

This cynical insurance plan is specifically designed to protect “Stand Your Ground” murderers like George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer. NRA Carry Guard provides coverage for criminal legal defense, firearm replacement, clean up costs, payouts to bail companies, and a 24-hour legal hotline to provide shooters with guidance in how to avoid prosecution.

Guns Down and Color Of Change are partnering to speak out against Chubb and Lockton for supporting the NRA and profiting from NRA Carry Guard. “Stand Your Ground” laws have caused gun murders to skyrocket – and are radically skewed toward protecting white shooters who kill black victims.

NRA Carry Guard turns this racist reality into profit.

Lockton Affinity, which created and sells NRA Carry Guard insurance, and Chubb Insurance, which underwrites the policies and takes a profit, are perpetuating fear of minorities and immigrants, and by offering special protections to gun owners who shoot first and ask questions later, these insurance companies are promoting gun violence.

Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by over one million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America.

They've got a petition against Murder Insurance here.

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