Panicked About His Tax Cut, Neil Cavuto Tells Trump To Stop Tweeting Insults

Uh Oh, Neil Cavuto is getting worried enough about Trump to actually speak to him directly.

Neil Cavuto did not mince words last night. It's clear he's having panic attacks about his precious tax cuts for billionaires. At least he can speak directly to Trump knowing there's a high possibility the so-called president (TSCP) is tuning in.

"Last time I checked, you are the president of the United States, so tweeting out these tacky insults just seems beneath you. You are running out of friends faster than you are running out of time. You might not like Bob Corker, but a lot of senators do, and you need those senators, sir."

"It's not that some of your ideas aren't sound, they are. It's that increasingly, this erratic behavior makes me wonder whether you are."

And Cavuto also warned Trump that he'd never drain the swamp if he continued to "throw mud."

Cavuto then addressed his audience and noted that many of them think of him as a "globalist" and "never Trumper."

He's a wealthy Fox News host who wants his tax cuts and sees them slipping away as Republicans decide he isn't actually their president, either.

It couldn't happen to a more corrupt band of thieves.

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