'Pro-Life' PA Rep Announces Retirement After Reports He Urged Mistress To Have Abortion
Murphy is a forced birth advocate in public, pro-choice in private.

Fake pro-life Republican Representative Tim Murphy has decided to retire after shocking (but not really that shocking) news broke just 24 hours ago that not only did he have an affair, but he encouraged his mistress to have an abortion.
The fact that he supported abortion is not the shocking part. Abortion is a reproductive health issue and a decision solely between the woman, her medical provider and her partner. At the end of the day, the choice is the woman's. Republicans need to get out of our uterus and focus on other things, like gun control, the opioid crisis, college loans, and shoring up the ACA, among other things
For his part, Murphy walked the party line, screaming in public about how evil abortion is and demanding it be outlawed, even voting as recently as yesterday for a 20-week abortion ban. Except when it is his mistress, whom he cheated on his wife with, whom he also may have gotten pregnant. Then, abortion is totally fine. But you know, anyone else, no. No abortions.
CBS Pittsburgh is reporting that he has decided to "not seek re-election." His statement says:
“After discussions with my family and staff, I have come to the decision that I will not seek reelection to Congress at the end of my current term. I plan to spend my remaining months in office continuing my work as the national leader on mental health care reform, as well as issues affecting working families in southwestern Pennsylvania.
We have accomplished much in the past year through the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act and there is much work yet to be done. In the coming weeks I will take personal time to seek help as my family and I continue to work through our personal difficulties and seek healing. I ask you to respect our privacy during this time.”
Whoopsie. Sounds like someone is in trouble with his wife.
Reports say that Murphy met with GOP leadership on Wednesday, the same day he decided to "resign" and was probably told he had no choice. Quit now or just drift away after your term is up. He chose door 2.
Regarding this affair? On Tuesday, texts were released where he apparently encouraged her to have an abortion. She wrote back: “You have zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last weekend when we thought that was one of the options.”
It turns out she was not pregnant. But the damage was already done.