UPDATED: Running For Corker's Seat, Liar Marsha Blackburn Lies Some More

She is still repeating the Planned Parenthood baby parts lie that is getting some people charged with a felony.

UPDATED: Running For Corker's Seat, Liar Marsha Blackburn Lies Some More

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) really wants to replace retiring Senator Bob Corker and has announced her ghastly entry into the 2018 Pie Fight run thusly (yes, that’s her behind the soft, gauzy, vaselined [is too a verb!] focus):

Notice anything, oh, you know, like an outright, inflammatory LIE? The baby body parts line, which as we all know was a goddamn lie (David Daleiden is facing felony charges in California).

Yeah, and Twitter did too, but as usual, not enough. While they will not allow Blackburn’s campaign to pay to promote the Tweet, they are not taking it down either. Or at least not yet.

“It appears that the line in this video specific to ‘stopped the sale of baby body parts’ has been deemed an inflammatory statement that is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction,” a Twitter employee wrote to two employees of Targeted Victory, a digital GOP consulting firm working for Blackburn’s campaign. “If this is omitted from the video it will be permitted to serve.”

And in the meanwhile, Blackburn is now fund-raising that Silicon Valley is censoring her:

“This is urgent. I’m being censored for telling the truth,” Blackburn wrote. “Twitter has shut down my announcement video advertising. Silicon Valley elites are trying to impose their values on us. When I talked about our legislative accomplishments to stop the sale of baby body parts, they responded by calling our ad ‘inflammatory’ and ‘negative.’”

So it ends up being a two-fer: her announcement gets her firmly entrenched in the forced-birth culture wars and she gets to smack the West Coast elites. We are entering Blackburn for the Golden Schafly**, I think she’s a shoo-in.

Possum Hollar really knows how to make an apparatchik.

**The Golden Schlafly is awarded to the women who set back women the most.

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

UPDATE (Karoli): Twitter reversed themselves, will let Blackburn spread her lies all over their service without disclaimers.

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