Scaramucci Apologizes After His New Media Venture Goes Into Full Holocaust Denial

Is Richard Spencer running Scaramucci Post's social media account?

Did Richard Spencer or David Duke take over the Twitter account for Anthony Scaramucci's new media venture, the Scaramucci Post? It appears so, from a flurry of insanely insensitive tweets regarding the Holocaust.

Let's start with this poll about how many Jews were killed in the Holocaust:


Oh, and then they started sending out these tweets regarding an Anne Frank Halloween costume...

Backtracking fast...

Not buying it, Lance.

"I apologize if anyone was offended" is not a good defense, Holocaust denying asshat.

Mooch is unhappy

Let's see what happens. Probably nothing.

UPDATE (Karoli):

He has apologized. Apparently he was "out of the country" and someone else did the poll. Hmmm.

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