His Base Is Eroding: Trump Approval Ratings Fell In Every Single State
Approval ratings are now in the low 30's
Trump is losing support in all 50 states, even strongly held Republican ones. The Hill is reporting that in a survey conducted by Morning Consult between Jan 20th to Sept 26th among 472,032 registered voters, they have found a drop in all 50 states since inauguration day.
They reported that in January, 49 percent of voters supported Trump's performance. This number has dropped to 43 percent. 6 percent is a hefty drop. And in a whopping 25 states, the majority of voters disapproved of Trump's job performance. In an even more concerning finding, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Pennsylvania, states which Trump won, are some of the states listed in those 25 that disapprove.
In a bit of good news for die hard Trumpkins, the majority of voters in Wyoming, West Virginia, Alabama and Louisiana still approve of Trump's performance.
The worst finding for Trump is that his approval did not go up in any state. Literally, not one. So he is hanging onto to his base, barely, and not bringing anyone else in.
Let's see what happens when he dips into the 20's.