Trump Golfs While Five Ex-Presidents Attend Hurricane Relief Concert

All five living ex-United States' presidents made an appearance at a benefit concert in Texas to raise money for hurricane relief while you-know-who had other priorities.

As Dean Obeidallah discussed yesterday, our p*ssy-grabber-in-chief was too busy golfing to attend the funeral of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four American servicemen recently killed in Niger, whose family Trump has been feuding with all week.

Sadly, this is nothing new for Trump, despite the fact that the hypocrite constantly criticized President Obama for taking vacation and spending too much time on the golf course while Obama was still in office.

According to the web site trumpgolfcount.com, here are some stats on Trump's golfing:

Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago:
Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (7 so far):*
Days Trump has spent at Bedminster:
Cost of flights to Bedminster (11 so far):*
Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration:
Projected visits to golf clubs in four years:
Projected visits in eight years:
Total times Obama golfed during his eight year Presidency:

This Saturday was more of the same, with Trump basically phoning it in instead of showing up for a hurricane relief fundraiser in Texas: Five Former Presidents Came Together Saturday To Raise Money For Hurricane Relief, Trump Went Golfing Instead:

Five former U.S. presidents all came together on Saturday to help raise money for hurricane victims, but Donald Trump had other plans — the golf course.

All of the living former U.S. presidents — Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama — were in Texas on Saturday for an event dubbed “Deep From the Heart: The One America Appeal” meant to raise money and awareness for those affected by the devastating hurricanes this year.

The event is being held on the Texas A&M campus and sold out quickly after tickets went on sale. As NBC News noted, the performers include country music band Alabama, gospel legend Yolanda Adams, and legendary Texas musicians Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen.

Though this is one of the rare occasions when all five former U.S. presidents are together at the same time, the current office holder will not be making an appearance — and it doesn’t appear that a busy schedule is keeping him from the event. As The Hill noted, Donald Trump is heading to his Virginia golf course for the third consecutive weekend.

Trump did get some work done before departing the White House for his round of golf, the report noted. Earlier in the morning, Trump took to Twitter to continue his feud with Congresswoman Frederica Wilson over Trump’s “disrespectful” phone call to the family of Army Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in an ambush in Niger.

Wilson said she overheard the call in which Trump told Johnson’s widow that “he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it hurts anyway.” Trump has denied the claims, though Johnson’s mother confirmed that Trump did use those words.

It is not clear if Donald Trump would have been invited to attend the benefit concert on Saturday — he does not enjoy a good relationship with any of the five former U.S. presidents — but his decision to go golfing instead has drawn criticism. A report from the left-leaning ThinkProgress criticized Trump for continuing to go golfing while recovery efforts in Puerto Rico are facing major obstacles and many remain without power or food.

Man's gotta have his priorities. It's pretty obvious what Trump's are.

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