Trump Turned To Fox News' Sean Hannity And John Bolton For Advice On Iran Nuclear Deal

When considering his options on the Iran nuclear deal, Donald Trump reportedly turned to his most adoring fans, warmongers Sean Hannity and John Bolton, for advice.

Trump Turned To Fox News' Sean Hannity And John Bolton For Advice On Iran Nuclear Deal

When considering his options on the Iran nuclear deal, Donald Trump reportedly turned to his most adoring fans, warmongers Sean Hannity and John Bolton, for advice.

Trump could have spoken to real experts on the Middle East and Iran from the intelligence community, the diplomatic community, the military community, etc. But it speaks volumes that Trump chose two sycophantic chickenhawks. Like "heel spurs" Trump, neither Hannity nor Bolton ever served in the military they seem so eager to put in harm's way.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, both Hannity and Bolton have been salivating for a new war with Iran since at least 2007 - with other people doing all the fighting and dying, of course.

From The Daily Beast:

Trump has consulted both Fox News’ Sean Hannity and former UN Ambassador—and staunch neoconservative—John Bolton on the matter. And each has dinged him for certifying the deal while privately urging him not to do so, one official noted.

At the request of former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, Bolton had drafted a plan for how Trump could back out of the Iran deal. But he was never able to formally present the document to the president after Bannon was ousted and John Kelly became chief of staff. While Bolton has not been able to visit the White House to advise the president lately, Trump still asks aides about Bolton, wondering where he is and what his advice would be on Iran, according to a person familiar with the situation.

White House spokespeople did not respond to requests for comment. Reached by phone, Bolton did not respond when asked if he has spoken with Trump since having his West Wing access curtailed.

This Friday night, in a nauseating Fox News session of cheerleading Trump’s destabilizing decision to decertify – that has also antagonized our allies – Bolton told his delighted host, Brian Kilmeade, that he had indeed talked to Trump the night before. “We had a great talk,” Bolton said. However, he would not reveal what he said.

By the way, Bolton's only criticism of Trump's move was that he had not gone far enough and nixed the Iran deal altogether. But Bolton but felt confident it’s only a matter of time until that happens.

Watch the frightening display, if you can stand it, from the October 13, 2017 Fox News Tonight.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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