WSJ Reporter Chides Shep Smith For Sounding Like 'A True Democrat'

Shep's primer on the basics of insurance got him called a Democrat by a WSJ reporter.

Shep Smith's common-sense explanations of how insurance works (costs are lower when split among larger pools, etc), and the observation that health insurance should actually cover the costs of illness was met with sarcasm from a business reporter at the Wall Street Journal today.

SHEP SMITH: “One thing about those young and healthy people: someday if they’re lucky, they’ll be old,” Smith replied. “And then they’ll be stuck with this. It tends to be how things work, you know, if everybody pays in, then everybody gets coverage. That’s sort of the basics of insurance. like car insurance, right?”

AARON ZITNER: “Shep, you’re speaking like a true Democrat, in a certain sense."

SHEP SMITH: “Wait, car insurance is political?”

h/t Raw Story

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