Yes, Trump's Coming For Your Birth Control

An 'effective immediately' rule that lets employers decide if you should have the Pill.

Once again, Trump sides with the patriarchy, allowing political appointees to draft new rules that make it easier for employers with a 'moral objection' to birth control to decide not to cover it for their employees.

They decided that there were too many lawsuits from employers over the Obama requirement, but they ain't seen nothing yet. Several women's advocacy groups are seeking out plaintiffs today.

This is another example of, if men could get pregnant, we would not be having this conversation. At all.

New York Times:

In expanding the exemption for employers, the Trump administration says there are many other sources of birth control.

The Trump administration said the new rules would take effect immediately because “it would be impracticable and contrary to the public interest to engage in full notice and comment rule-making.” Still, it said, it will accept comments from the public.

The new rules, drafted mainly by political appointees at the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services, seek “to better balance the interests” of women with those of employers and insurers that have conscientious objections to contraceptive coverage.

Shorter Trump administration: "You've got plenty of options ladies, shut up and sit down. Our "conscientious objections" are more important than your physical and economic health."

People who said "MAGA" meant a return to the 1950's in a bad way, were not kidding.

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