Diamond And Silk Share Their Opinion On Time Magazine

Well-respected (?) political commentators, Diamond and Silk, chime in on the "Time Person of the Year" fiasco

When a serious political issue comes up, there are two women who I instantly think of to give pointed, knowledgable and intelligent discussion.

No, not Joy Ann Reid and Rachel Maddow. I am talking about Diamond and Silk.

Yes, the very same Diamond and Silk that defended Donald Trump's "some Nazis are very fine people" as being totally justified because that KKK used to be run by Democrats, the favorite trope that Jeffrey Lord liked to spew as well.

Well, now YouTube "stars" Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson--known as "Diamond and Silk"--chimed in on their views on Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" award.

A few notable quotes from this intellectually stimulating conversation between Diamond and Silk and Fox and Friends, two beacons of truth and incisive political analysis.

Griff: Silk, let me just ask you then, when they try and pick the Person of the Year and they're going to take a lot of time, we had video earlier of the president last year having to hold an eagle in all that stuff, but the president even taking time over his working holiday where he was dealing with other issues, like the attack in Egypt. [Ed.note: wait, did he deal with Egypt? In what way? On the golf course?] Should the president actually be responding to Time magazine? There he is with his bird where it took his time up but should he be punching down as they say?

Diamond: Well, President Trump is President Trump. He could respond to whomever he chooses to and he loves to tweet, just like he retweeted Diamond and Silk [Ed. note: Gratuitous plug one] and we appreciate it because at the end of the day Trump is your president and do you know what else? That's why he was all down low. Trump is your President at DiamondandSilkstore.com [Ed. note: gratuitous plug two]. Trump is your president, baby, and he could retweet whoever he wants to tweet, including Time magazine.

Lisa: And there's also another element of this as well because Time magazine named Hillary Clinton's book "What Happened" as the top non-fiction book of the year, so do you think there's some politics involved with this back and forth as well given the fact that they clearly to Hillary Clinton's book?

Diamond: Well, you know, this is what I really and truly think about Time magazine is they take and put Hillary Clinton on their book, their magazine is going to do just like her book, it's not going to sell [Ed. reminder: Hillary Clinton's book was the best-selling non-fiction book of the year). Keep Hillary Clinton off the cover of your magazine. Hillary Clinton, you need to go somewhere, sit down and go home so yes, I think they're playing politics and trying to play one against the other but there's nothing to play here. The president said you ain't going to waste husband time so save it.

Silk: That's right, and at the end of the day, he's still the man of the year.

Diamond: That's right, baby.

Just like Donald Trump, these two grifters (Joy Ann Reid dubbed them "Cubic Zirconia and Rayon") found a hole to plug. Trump was desperate for any black supporters to come out publicly and when they decided to jump on the money train, they got paid. I guess selling out to the racist white man is worth it to these two women.

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