Even Andrea Mitchell Admits: GOP Is Lying About Tax Scam
When even Mrs. Greenspan can't defend her own tax cut? The GOP has big problems.
It's getting really bad for the Republican Party when even Andrea Mitchell has to call you liars on the air.
On "Morning Joe" this morning they discussed the GOP Tax Scam, and no one on the panel thought its passage was going to do the Republican Party any political favors. Even Mrs. Greenspan.
Former Ted Cruz (yeah) adviser Rick Tyler noted that unless you are going to institute wage and price controls, there is no way any tax bill is going to fulfill the Republican claim (lie) that this tax cut for businesses will raise wages. "I don't think right-wing social engineering is any better than left-wing social engineering and I think the Republicans have so oversold what this tax bill is gonna...what's going to happen."
Joe Scarborough then compared the Tax bill process to the Health Care bill process, and asked Andrea Mitchell: "Have you seen a sloppier legislative year than this year by the
Republicans and how they hurriedly drafted a health care bill that was going to change 1/6 of the economy in backrooms over a couple of weeks and now they've done the same thing with the tax bill."
Andrea Mitchell noted that White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney was willing to take the individual mandate repeal out of the Senate Bill.
"The fact is it's been a mess it's been done in secret it's way too quick to have this you know this major impact upon the economy done without hearings at all on the substance of it and in terms of what Rick was just saying, not only the CBO but the very highly regarded Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget is saying that there are gimmicks in this which makes it not just a 1.5 trillion dollar tax bill but a 2.2 trillion dollar tax bill.
...When I was interviewing Mulvaney this weekend he said yeah that we're gaming the system to try to get it under the Byrd rule, under the reconciliation rules, so that we, you know, so that it's costed out for this ten year period and that we only need fifty votes not the 60 votes and we'll fix it down the road. They were acknowledging that so they're basically saying they're gaming the system and it's a gimmick and it's really going to cost a lot more but they're pointing to "dynamic scoring..."
And then she almost rolls her eyes when she has to say the words "dynamic scoring." And anyone with a calculator is telling the public that EVEN WITH their voodoo economic "dynamic scoring" this tax bill is a disaster.
Republicans do not care about anything they say they care about. The National Debt, family values, jobs, tax cuts for the middle class. They are the party of Nothing but the Koch Brothers. Someone should ask David and Charles Koch why they flushed so much money down the toilet in order to elect empty suits to pass the worst, most unpopular policies in American history. Hell, even Andrea Mitchell thinks your tax cuts are too much.