Is This The End Of The Bannon-Moore Bromance?

When even the devil won't side with you

Steve Bannon appears to be souring on his own candidate, alleged pedophile and serial sexual assaulter, Roy Moore. The Daily Beast is reporting that Bannon is taking a step back from Moore as more allegations come in. While continuing to publicly declare his support, privately he is furious.

What was the tipping point? Possibly the new revelations about Moore's attempted rape of a 16 year old who worked at a restaurant that Moore used to frequent back when he was a DA in his mid-30's.

Bannon's public statement as of Monday night was:

“This is just another desperate attempt by Mitch McConnell to keep power, and it’s not going to work. You know, people in Alabama see through this. The good folks of Alabama are going to be able to weigh and measure this… This is an orchestrated hit from the Uniparty.”

But privately his tone has changed. A source reports that Bannon said: “I will put him in a grave myself” if he finds out that the allegations against him are true.

Daily Beast further reports that Bannon is "uncomfortable" with the child molestations and sexual assault charges, he wasn't convinced that the initial charges were truthful. He thought they may have been planted by "NeverTrumpers in an effort to derail Moore's campaign. But as more allegations pour in, he is starting to see that they may be true.

Bannon, the Machiavellian puppet master who groomed Trump to preach a hateful, nativist, white nationalist platform that helped get him elected (with an assist from Russia) must be squirming. Moore symbolized a huge win for him, with his candidate winning over Trump's backing of Luther Strange in the primary. To lose at this point would be devastating.

Maybe they should practice better vetting.

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