Former Fox News Host Calls Fox The 'Trump News Network'

Andy Levy calls the situation embarrassing for all concerned.

Very odd hearing from someone who's ever worked for Fox News now giving us all a lecture on journalistic ethics. Funny how they get religion once they leave ...

Source: Newsweek

A former Fox News host said the cable channel has turned into “Trump News Network” and is in a difficult position due to President Donald Trump’s praise of its political coverage and because the president’s base has become its “lifeblood.”

The former anchor, Andy Levy, made his comments during a segment on HLN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered show that was based on the president’s call Monday for a contest between media organizations—not including Fox News—to see who could win the “FAKE NEWS TROPHY” for “the most dishonest, corrupt and or/distorted” coverage.

Levy, the former host of Fox News’s Red Eye, said Fox should be the main network fighting back against Trump in order to maintain its journalistic integrity.

“He should never view a media outlet as being on his side,” Levy said of the president Monday night. “And the whole thing is sad, and Fox News should disavow it, but it kinda can’t, ’cause with a couple of exceptions, they have backed themselves into this corner, and now they’re the Trump News Network and that’s their lifeblood.”

Earlier in the segment, Levy said, “The people who should be the most embarrassed by this are the ones at Fox News, and I suspect a solid handful of them are. The press is not supposed to be on the side of people in power ever. The press is supposed to be adversarial, the press is supposed to question, the press is not supposed to curry favor with authority.”

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