Fox ‘Democrat’ Doug Schoen Plays Patsy For Hannity And Calls For Special Prosecutor For Hillary Clinton

Fox News “Democrat” Doug Schoen proved himself more anti-Hillary Clinton than Karl Rove. That ought to tell you everything you need to know about Schoen.

Fox News “Democrat” Doug Schoen proved himself more anti-Hillary Clinton than Karl Rove. That ought to tell you everything you need to know about Schoen.

Last week, Schoen visited the Hannity show where he eagerly helped host Sean Hannity advance his obsession into turning the Trump Russia investigation into a Hillary Clinton Uranium One investigation. In fact, Schoen was one step ahead of Hannity and called for a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton.

After Schoen announced to viewers that he is “still a Democrat” who “disagree[s] with the Republicans,” Schoen went beyond agreeing with the GOP to actively helping the Hannity/Bannon wing of the party:

SCHOEN: Let me be clear. … Given the Uranium One deal … Sean, why wouldn’t we have, just in the interest of fairness, a special prosecutor to look at what Hillary did as they’re looking at the president?

[…] Finish the investigation and let’s investigate Hillary.

[…] She needs to be looked at and must be.

That was music to Hannity’s ears, of course.

Also appearing with Schoen was Florida’s Republican attorney general, Pam Bondi. If Schoen were really so concerned with fairness and integrity, he might have shown a wee bit of concern about how Bondi decided not to join a lawsuit against Trump University after receiving a political donation from the Trump Foundation for $25,000.

But, not surprisingly, Schoen didn’t say a word about it.

And then there’s host Hannity who smeared murder victim Seth Rich in order to bogusly blame him for the Wikileaks leak of the DNC emails during the 2016 campaign (and “disprove” any Trump/Russia collusion).

Meanwhile, yesterday, none other than Karl Rove slammed Trump over his “unseemly” and “dangerous” threats to prosecute Clinton.

So Schoen is either the world’s most naïve Democrat who thought he was engaging in an honest political dialogue or he willingly sold out his own (supposed) party to its enemy.

I report, you decide. Either way, Schoen remains the Democratic wanker of the decade.

See why above, from the November 2, 2017 Hannity.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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